It's almost that time of year... Christmas time!
I know I haven't been around for a long time. I've been extremely busy with college. I'm on my way to graduate, but I need to do 5 months of traineeship first. I'm pretty excited, but on the same time also sad. I wish I could stay a student forever.
Anyhow enough talking about me. I have some excited news concerning my website (well excited for me anyway). I'm gonna start a Abz fansite, and no I am not focusing on pictures and videos, because there are so many of them out there already. You will just have to wait and see. Of course I will post it up here when everything is done.
Abz and the fellas haven't been much in te press lately. They are (I hope) busy working on there songs and album. I hope they take some time of to celebrate Christmas. I'm sure they will. I hope they have a blast whatever they got planned. To Abz: baby don't party too hard and stay away from the alcohol as much as you can. Haha, I know you will not take my advice, but it's worth the try ;).
All the fans and everyone reading this: Merry Christmas, I hope you have lots of fun, eat as much as you can and enjoy your family and loved ones. I will see you in the new year. Let's hope 2007 is the magical year fo Five.

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