It's fight night!

A trip to the gym with Sophie continued the fireworks for last year’s loser, who later blamed the fallout, which left him screaming at the model, “You’re so spoilt it’s sick,” on his confused, but passionate, love for the feisty beauty. In the Beach Hut, he explained: “It’s because I fancy her. I’m a little boy who wants to be loved. She’s gorgeous. She’s lovely.” Obvious really.
But it wasn’t all doom and gloom. As the day progressed stroppy Sophie broke with tradition and stopped talking about herself. Fearing lovesick Bianca has started “eating her feelings”, Sophie mused: “I’m worried about Bianca, she’s not looking after herself. She’s eating junk and putting on weight.” But it didn’t take long for ‘Me me’ to make an appearance in the conversation: “Maybe she’s pissed off with me because I’m eating loads and I never put on weight? She’s gorgeous but if she carries on putting on weight, she’s going to feel enormous.”
Despite Bianca’s allegedly ballooning behind, Abs struggled to resist the 19-year-old lovely during a romantic picnic for two. He drooled: “Bianca is luscious. She’s got those lips…”
Indeed, there was no shortage of flirting between the pair. Admiring the 19-year-old beauty’s mole-studded back he smooched: “The constellation of Orion’s Belt is on your back. Has no one ever told you that?” Then forcing groans from viewers across the land, he uttered the immortal pick-up line: “It must mean you’re from Venus.”
However, that wasn’t the end of the former Five star’s flirt-filled day. Later he took Kelle for a peddle boat punt, but quickly felt threatened as she gamely told him: “I’m available,” before climbing on top of him, rocking the boat, and plunging them both into the clear blue sea. Later in the Beach Hut he confessed: “I’m giving off the wrong vibes again.”
Trust me Abs, your communication skills are way ahead of Paul’s.
Source: ITV - Official Site
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